CEO Roy Edgerton and his team at Analgesic Healthcare in Tampa, FL have partnered with Inheritance of Hope (IoH) for over 7 years, providing financial resources to support IoH’s Legacy Retreats®–a memorable getaway for families facing terminal illness to build lasting legacy with their kids and know they will be okay. With more than 7 million people (in the US alone) facing the loss of a parent, IoH has added new programs including Hope@Home™ Groups for ongoing, online support, and Hope Hub™ monthly local gatherings that provide personal, ongoing care right in the communities where families live.
When Roy and his team heard that Hope Hub™ was launching in Tampa, they were ready with a generous grant to help bring the program to the community. Roy states, “We are committed to enrich and positively shape our country and community, specifically, those families who are dealing with a life crisis. I personally have dealt with a significant family crisis having lost a son and I feel compelled to help others in any way I can.” He adds, “I would strongly encourage you to support IoH and its mission by contributing your time and resources.”

For more information on how you can partner with Inheritance of Hope, visit or email IoH Development Manager Dena Austin at